Degree Planning


Your path is your path.

No matter where you are at in your college journey there are people on campus ready to listen and provide you options along the way. Make some time to review resources, write down questions, and schedule an advising appointment. Checking in with an advisor may save you time, money, and introduce you to opportunities you did not know about.

Prepare for a successful advising experience.

Professional Fields of Study...and more

Resources for Advisors

  • Advisor Appointment Schedule: Faculty are advised to post their office hours on their office door.
  • Developmental Advising (Chickering Seven Vectors)
  • UMD incomplete online contract
    >> Student  OR  Faculty How to Guide  
    Student initiates, faculty receives and approves, rejects, or negotiates. Everyone wins, the student and faculty have email copies and the Office of the Registrar has access to an electronic version if it is ever needed for review.
  • UMD Academic Policies...and more

Registration & Records Information

Additional Forms

Advising Forms  
UMD One Stop Forms