Our Work

The Communication Department at UMD is a particularly vibrant place for the conduct of research and teaching. Below is a list of some of our Faculty's recent publications. Please visit our Faculty & Staff page to learn more about all of our faculty, their scholarship, teaching, and personal interests.

Recent Scholarly Publications

de Souza, R. (in press). A qualitative study of roles performed by peer workers in the context of HIV in India. Journal of the Association of Nursing in AIDS Care.

de Souza, R. (2019). Feeding the Other: Whiteness, Privilege, and Neoliberal Stigma in Food Pantries, MIT Press.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “A Certain Fidelity to Infidelity: Thinking Against Loyalty in the Academy.” Women & Language 42, no. 1 (2019).Forthcoming.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Naming, Mourning, and the Work of Earthly Coexistence.” Environmental Communication. Forthcoming.

Brian Cozen, Danielle Endres, Tarla Rai Peterson, Cristi Horton, and Joshua Trey Barnett, “Energy Communication: Theory and Praxis Toward a Sustainable Energy Future.” Environmental Communication 12, no. 3 (2018): 289-294.

Faw, M. H., Harvey-Knowles, J. A., & Feng, H. (2018). A replication of Xu and Burleson’s (2001) article: "Effects of Sex, Culture, and Support Type on Perceptions of Spousal Social Support: As Assessment of the ‘Support Gap’ Hypothesis in Early Marriage.” To be published in: Communication Studies.

Harvey, J. A., Crowley, J. P., & Woszidlo, A. (2018). Mindfulness, conflict strategy use, and relational satisfaction: A dyadic investigation. Mindfulness. Advance online Publication. doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-1040-y

Harvey, J. A., Manusov, V. L., & Sanders, E. A. (2018). Improving cancer caregivers’ Emotion regulation and supportive message characteristics: Results of a randomized controlled expressive writing intervention. Communication Monographs. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03637751.2018.1521983

Joshua Trey Barnett and Brandon S. Killen, “Catching Sight: Queer Worldmaking in a Glance.” QED: A Journal of GLBTQ Worldmaking 5, no. 2 (2018): 23-32.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “On Dying Ecologically in the Anthropocene.” The Ecological Citizen 2, no. 2 (2018): 23-29.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Politics of Edibility: Reconceptualizing Ecological Relationality.” Environmental Communication 12, no. 2 (2018): 218-231.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “The Ecological Awareness of an Anthropocene Philosopher.”Environmental Communication 12, no. 7 (2018): 989-993.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Thinking Ecologically with Judith Butler.” Culture, Theory and Critique 59, no. 1 (2018): 20-39.

Manusov, V., Stofleth, D., Harvey, J., & Crowley, J. (2018). Conditions and consequences of listening well for interpersonal relationships: Modeling active-empathic listening, social-emotional skills, trait mindfulness, and relational quality. International Journal of Listening. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10904018.2018.1507745

Goei, R. & Tamborini, R. (2017). Disclosiveness, similarity, attraction, and the comfort of strangers. Kentucky Journal of Communication, 36(2), 52-66.

Harvey-Knowles, J. A. (2017). Support provision quality following an exploratory supportive skills intervention. Western Journal of Communication. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10570314.2017.1308004

Harvey-Knowles, J. A., Sanders, E. A., Ko, L. K., Manusov, V. L, & Yi, J. (2017). The impact of written emotional disclosure on cancer caregivers’ perceptions of burden, stress, and depression: A randomized controlled trial. Health Communication. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2017.1315677

Harvey-Knowles, J. A., & Faw, M. H. (2017). Caregiver social support quality when interacting with cancer survivors: Advancing the dual-process model of supportive communication. Supportive Care in Cancer. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3951-x

Hatcher, J.A. (2017). Don't Stop the Presses? The Future of Print for Ethnic and Community News. Grassroots Editor, 58(3-4), 2-11.*
* Top paper: International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors/Huck Boyd National Center for Community Media Competition.

Hatcher, J.A. (2017). Journalist and activist: How the Range Center came to Chisholm, Minnesota. Journalism History, 43(1), 12-20.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Dying to be Response-Able: Embodiment, Mortality, Ecology.” Environmental Humanities. Accepted, September 2017.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Impurities: Thinking Ecologically With Safe.” Communication, Culture, & Critique 10, no. 2 (2017): 203-220.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “On Dying Ecologically.” The Ecological Citizen. Accepted, October 2017.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Politics of Edibility: Reconceptualizing Ecological Relationality.” Environmental Communication. In press, 2017.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Thinking Ecologically with Judith Butler.” Culture, Theory, and Critique. Accepted, October 2017.

Konieczna, M., Hatcher, J. A., & Moore, J. E. (2017). Citizen-centered journalism and contested boundaries: Innovations and limitations at three news organizations. Journalism Practice, 1-15.

Pfau, Michael William, “Bright Lines or Blurred Lines? Universal Background Checks and the NRA Slippery Slope Argument,” Argumentation & Advocacy 53 #4 (2017), 253-270.

Pfau, Michael William, “The Louisiana Superdome and the Semiotics of Disaster,” in Iconic Sports Venues: Persuasion in Public Spaces, eds. D. Johannesen & M. E. Huglen (Eds.).  New York: Peter Lang, 2017.

Crowley, J. P., Harvey-Knowles, J. A., & Riggs, N. (2016). Meaning making about Bullying: Message processes and their associations with adolescents’ executive functioning and reports of bullying. School Psychology International, 37(1), 32-50. doi: 10.1177/0143034315605574

Danielle Endres, Brian Cozen, Joshua Trey Barnett, Megan O’Byrne, and Tarla Rai Peterson, “Communicating Energy in a Climate (of) Crisis.” Communication Yearbook 40 (2016): 419-447.

Harvey-Knowles, J. A., & Faw, M. H. (2016). A relational turbulence model perspective on communication in intimate relationships post-HPV testing. Health Communication, 31(6), 688-694. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2014.990080

Harvey-Knowles, J. A., & Faw, M. H. (2016). The provider expressions of verbal person-centeredness scale (PE-VPC): Development and initial validation.  Communication Reports, 29(1), 35-49. doi: 10.1080/08934215.2015.1111918

LaCaille, L., Schultz, J., Goei, R, LaCaille, R., Dauner, K., de Souza, R., Versnik-Nowak, A., Regal, R. (2016). Go!: Results from a quasi-experimental obesity prevention trial with hospital employees. BMC Public Health, 16. DOI 10.1186/s12889-016- 2828-0.

Leland G. Spencer and Joshua Trey Barnett, “Rhetorics of Incommensurability: Disarticulating Queer Christianity in Mainstream News Coverage of the Soulforce Equality Ride.” Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture 1, no. 2 (2016): 141-158.

Joshua Trey Barnett, “Toxic Portraits: Resisting Multiple Invisibilities in the Environmental Justice Movement.” The Quarterly Journal of Speech 101, no. 2 (2015): 405-425.

Joshua Trey Barnett and Brandon J. Hill, “Covert Operation: Archiving the Experiences of Transgender Service Members in the US Military.” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 2, no. 4 (2015): 584-594.

Kosenko, K. A., Harvey-Knowles, J. A., & Craig, E. A. (2015). HPV Infection as an occasion for personal and relational growth. Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global Health, 8(3), 197-206. doi: 10.1179/1753807615Y.0000000020

Harvey-Knowles, J. A., Manusov, V., & Crowley, J. P. (2015). Minding your matters: Predicting relational satisfaction, commitment, and conflict strategies from trait mindfulness. Interpersona: An International Journal of Personal Relationships, 9(1), 44-58. doi: 10.5964/ijpr.v9i1.168

Manusov, V., & Harvey-Knowles, J. A. (2015). On Being (and Becoming) Mindful: One Pathway to Greater Resilience. In G. A. Beck & T. Socha (Eds.), Communicating hope and resilience across the lifespan. New York, NY: Peter Lang International.

Boyson, A.R., Zimmerman, R.S., Shoemaker, S. (2014). Exemplification of HAART and HIV/AIDS: A news experiment. Health Communication, 1-10. Currently available online at: tandfonline.com

de Souza, R., Dauner, K., Goei, R., LaCaille, L., Kotowski, M., Schultz, J., LaCaille, R. & Versnik-Nowak, A. (2014). An evaluation of the peer helper component of Go!: A multi-message, multi-“step” obesity prevention intervention. American Journal of Health Education, 45, 12-19.

Boyson, A. R. (accepted). Structurally deficient news? A framing analysis of news about the I-35 bridge collapse. Newspaper Research Journal.

Downs, E. P., Boyson, A. R., Alley, H*., Kotosky, N*. (2011).  iPedagogy: Using multimedia learning theory to iDentify best practices for MP3 player use in higher education. Journal of Applied Communication.

Feng, H. (2013). Understanding cultural variations in giving advice among Americans and Chinese. Communication Research, first published on April 30, 2013 as doi: 10.1177/0093650213486668, 1-25. 

de Souza, R. (2012). Theorizing the relationship between HIV/AIDS, biomedicine, and culture using an urban Indian setting as a case study. Communication Theory, 22, 163-186.

Feng, B., & Feng, H. (2012). Examining cultural similarities and differences in responses to advice: A comparison of American and Chinese college students. Communication Research, first published on January 3, 2012 as doi:10.1177/0093650211433826, 1-22.

Feng, H., & Wilson, S. R. (2012). Cultural variations in the reasons people provide avoidance support. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 5, 64-87.

Feng, H. (2011). Politeness (keqi): the fragrance of Chinese communication. China Media Research, 7, 53-60.

Feng., H., Chang, H. C., & Holt, R. (2011). Examining Chinese gift-giving behavior from the poiteness theory perspective. Asian Journal of Communication, 21, 301-317.

Roberto, A. J., Krieger, J. L., Katz, M. L., Goei, R., & Jain, P. (2011). Predicting pediatricians’ communication with parents about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: An application of the theory of reasoned action. Health Communication, 26, 1-10.

Gore, D. (2011). Sophists and Sophistry in the Wealth of Nations. Philosophy and Rhetoric, 44, 1-26.

Gore, D. (2011). Mormonism and America as Promised Land in Joseph Smith's Letter from Liberty Jail. In J. A. Edwards & D. Weiss (Eds.),The Rhetoric of American Exceptionalism: Critical Essays (pp. 101-117). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc.

Sunnafrank, M. (2011). Three of a Human Kind. Booklocker Press.

Titus, B. & de Souza, R. (2011). Finding meaning in the loss of a child: Journeys of chaos and quest. Health Communication, 26, 450-460.

Meyer, M. H., Burrows, R., Jeannette, K., Welty, C., & Boyson, A. R. (2010). Master gardener's confidence and use of integrated pest management. Hortechnology, 20, 812-816.

de Souza, R. (2010). Local perspectives on empowerment and responsibility in the new public health. Health Communication, 24, 1-12.

de Souza, R. (2010). NGO's in India's elite newspapers: A framing analysis. Asian Journal of Communication, 4, 477-493.

de Souza, R. (2010). Women living with HIV: Stories of powerlessness and agency. Women's Studies International Forum, 33, 244–252.

Goei, R., Boyson, A. R., Lyon-Call, S. K., Schott, C., Wasilevich, E., & Cannarile, S. (2010). An examination of EPPM predictions when threat is perceived externally: An asthma intervention with school workers. Health Communication, 25, 333-344.

Gore, D. (2010). “Joseph Smith’s Letter from Liberty Jail as an Epistolary Rhetoric,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 43, 43-70.

Nelson, E. J. (2010). Compassionate listening and the ethics for the new millennium. The International Journal of Listening, 24.

Pfau, M. W. (2010). Conclusion: Contextualizing fear in history, scholarship, and the economy of affect. In C. Chaput, M.J. Braun, & D. Brown (Eds.), Entertaining Fear: Rhetoric and the Political Economy of Social Control. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Ramirez, A., Sunnafrank, M., & Goei, R. (2010). Predicted outcome value theory in ongoing relationships. Communication Monographs, 77, 27-50.

de Souza, R. (2009). Creating “communicative spaces”: A case of NGO community-organizing for HIV/AIDS Prevention. Health Communication, 24, 692 – 702.

Downs, E., & Smith S. L. (2009). Keeping abreast of hypersexuality: A video game character content analysis. Sex Roles. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9637-1.

Hendrickson, B.*, & Goei, R. (2009). Reciprocity and dating: The effect of favor and status on compliance with a date request. Communication Research, 36, 585-608.

Gore, D. (2009). “Attitudes toward money in Kenneth Burke’s dialog between the Lord and Satan,” KB Journal, [Online]: http://www.kbjournal.org/david_gore

de Souza, R., & Dutta, M. (2008). Global and local networking for HIV/AIDS prevention: The  of the Saathii E-Forum. Journal of Health Communication, 13, 326–344.

Dutta-Bergman, M. & de Souza, R. (2008). Reconciling the past and present: Reflexivity in the critical-cultural approach to health campaigns. Health Communication, 23, 326- 339.

de Souza, R., Basu, A., Kim, I., Basnyat, I., & Dutta, M. (2008). Who agreed to the neoliberal trade agreements? A discussion of the impact of “fair trade” on the health of marginalized communities. In H. Zoller & M. Dutta. (Eds.), Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication: Interpretive, Critical, and Cultural Approaches, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Feng, H., & Mattson, M. (2008). Health communication. In S. Lu (Ed.), An analysis on development of communication research in the West [xifang goutong jiaojixue qianyan fazhan pingxi] (pp. 279-300). Beijing, China: People's University Press.

Gore, D. (2008). J.S. Mill’s Art and Business of Life and the Humility of Bona Fide Scholarship. In E.M. Clift (Ed.), How Language is Used to Do Business: Essays on the Rhetoric of Economics (pp. 29-46). Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.

Pfau, M. W. (2007). Who’s Afraid of Fear Appeals? Contingency, Courage and Deliberation in Rhetorical Theory and Practice, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 40, 216-237.

* These co-authors contributed significantly to these publications while UMD Communication undergraduates