Technology Advisory Committee

CAHSS Technology Advisory Committee (TAC)

We meet monthly to discuss, steer and make technology recommendations on behalf of the students, faculty and staff of the CAHSS. The Technology Committee advises the Dean on collegiate technology matters.

Meetings: view the TAC Minutes.

The committee consists of five faculty and one staff member and may include ten appointed students. The faculty/staff members will have a term of two years on a rotating basis. There are typically 15 members on the committee (10 students, 5 faculty or staff). Member activities mainly consist of attending meetings and evaluating grant proposals.

Visit the CAHSS Committees Page for the list of current membership.

The Technology Director and committee members are committed to ensuring that CAHSS students are well represented on this committee and have a strong policy and decision making presence. Representatives of Student Association are always welcome to attend meetings.

For 2024 CAHSS Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) currently has 8 open student positions. Please contact Thomas Dorr or call 218.726.7350 if you are interested in serving as a representative.

All CAHSS students are welcome as representatives!