- Undergraduate Audition Requirements
- Information for a Music Scholarship Audition (form currently unavailable until FALL 2024)
- Advanced Standing Examination Requirements
- Music Student Handbook
- Employment Opportunities for Music Students
- Instrument Renting Opportunity, Schmitt Music - Band
- Instrument Renting Opportunity, Schmitt Music - Orchestra
- Change/Add a Music Degree Form
- Independent Study Contract (MU 3991, 4991)
- Internship Contract (MU 4997)
- Change of Music Advisor
- Instrumental Advanced Standing/Recital Hearing Form
- Student Recital Form
- Instrumental Jury Form
- Resume` Example
- Recital Hour Performance Sign-Up - SPRING 2025
- Voice related forms, handbook, syllabi, and more - FOLDER!
- Vocal Jury Forms (Semester Juries, Recitals, Advanced Standing, Performance Acceptance)
- Voice Recital Program Template Template is formatted in Google Docs. To edit the template 1.) Download the file 2.) Edit in Google Docs 3. Replace text, while maintaining the layout