Our faculty is made up of some incredible individuals who have achieved - and continue to achieve - awesome things. Below are some of the more recent awards, grants, and accomplishments achieved by our Department's faculty.
Recent Faculty Awards, Grants, & Accomplishments
Dr. Edward Downs, Albert Tezla Teacher/Scholar Award (2019).
Dr. David Gore, co-convener with Randel Hanson and Kathryn Milun, “Anthropocene Research Collaborative III,” funded by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth (2018-2019) $5,000.
Dr. Jacquelyn Harvey, Outstanding Research Award, College of Liberal Arts (2018-2019).
Dr. Aaron Boyson, Outstanding Faculty Advisor, College of Liberal Arts (2018).
Dr. Edward Downs, Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts (2017-2018).
Dr. Jennifer Moore and Dr. John Hatcher, Albert Tezla Teacher/Scholar Award (2017).
Dr. David Gore, co-convener with Randel Hanson and Kathryn Milun, “Fused Realities II,” awarded a research collaborative grant from the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Minnesota, (2016-2017) (grant extended through May 2018), $8,000.
Dr. David Gore, co-convener with Randel Hanson and Rochelle Zuck, “Fused Realities: Theorizing the Anthropocene across Identity, Political Economy, and Environment,” awarded a research collaborative grant from the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Minnesota (2015-2016) $10,865.
Dr. Aaron Boyson, Outstanding Faculty Award (2014).
Dr. Hairong Feng, Top Four Paper, Intercultural Communication Division of the 63rd annual International Communication Association Convention, London (2013).
Dr. David Gore, Outstanding Faculty Award from Student Life in recognition of excellence in Teaching, (2012-2013).
Dr. Jennifer Reierson, Top Paper Panel (2nd place), Public Relations Division, National Communication Association Annual Conference (2012)
Jean Farrell, Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Liberal Arts (2012)
Dr. David Gore was awarded a 2011 Imagine Grant from the University of Minnesota for the project Mormon Rhetoric in the Twenty First Century
Dr. Edward Downs, Outstanding Advisor Award, University of Minnesota Duluth (2011-2012)
Dr. Rebecca de Souza, Outstanding Research Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth (2011-2012).
Dr. Rebecca de Souza, Co-Primary Investigator, The food-based community economy: Understanding how community enterprises provide for those experiencing food scarcity.Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Minnesota (2011-2012), $14,276
Dr. Rebecca de Souza, Primary Investigator, Training the “Diseased Body” for Participation in the Public Sphere, Office for Vice President for Research, University of Minnesota, Duluth (2008-2009), $8,325.
Dr. Rebecca de Souza, Primary Investigator, Training the Body for Participation in the Public Sphere, Collaborators: Adam Pine and Mark Zmudy,Body, Knowing Grant, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Minnesota (2008-2009), $25,000
Dr. Aaron Boyson was awarded the Office of Information Technology Faculty Fellowship (2010-2011), $10,000
Drs. Ryan Goei and Rebecca de Souza, Co-Investigators (PIs: Drs. Jennifer Schultz & Lara LaCaille) were awarded a grant from the University of Minnesota, Healthy Food Healthy Lives Institute Grant Program (2010-2011), $100,000
Dr. David Gore was awarded a 2010 Imagine Grant from the University of Minnesota to study Scottish archival documents relating to Adam Smith and David Hume, $4000
Dr. Ryan Goei (coauthored with Roberto, A. J., Krieger, J. L., & Katz, M.). Top Four Paper, Health Communication Interest Group of the Western States Communication Association (2010)
Dr. Edward Downs (coauthored with Oliver, M.B.). Top Three Paper, Video Game SIG of the International Communication Association (2009)
Dr. Ryan Goei (coauthored with Roberto, A. J., Krieger, J. L., Katz, M. L., & Jain, P.). Top Four Paper, Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association (2009)
Dr. Hairong Feng (coauthored with Wilson, S. R.), Top Four Paper, International and Intercultural Communication Division of the National Communication Association (2009)
Dr. Deborah Petersen-Perlman, Co-investigator (PI: Vicki Hansen) was awarded a Institutional Transformation/Catalyst grant from the National Science Foundation (2008), $200,000
Dr. Deborah Petersen-Perlman, wrote a script for a Readers' Theater on The Book Thief, which was performed in the spring of 2008
Dr. David Gore, Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth (2007)
Barb Titus, Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth (2006)
Dr. Michael Pfau, Outstanding Research Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth (2006)
Dr. Ryan Goei, Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Duluth (2006)
Dr. Michael Pfau's The Political Style of Conspiracy: Chase, Sumner & Lincoln (Michigan State University Press, 2005), was a finalist, in the History category, for the Minnesota Book Award in 2006