B.F.A. 2025 Audition/Interview & 2025 Theatre Talent Scholarship Dates & Requirements
Students admitted for a Spring Semester start should contact the audition coordinator, Rebecca Katz Harwood ([email protected]), to make individual audition/interview arrangements.
FALL 2025 prospective students:
All candidates completing on-site auditions (BFA Acting and Musical Theatre Emphases) and interviews (BFA Design and Production Emphases) will be considered for the New Talent Scholarship.
Saturday, February 8th, 2025, University of Minnesota Duluth Campus Performance Auditions and Design/Production Portfolio Reviews and B.A. Scholarship Only Interviews (B.A.s not wishing to compete for scholarships need not attend.)
Marshall Performing Arts Center
UMD Campus
1215 Ordean Court, Duluth, MN 55812
Email Rebecca Katz Harwood ([email protected]) for more information.
Audition Sign-up Cutoff Date: Thursday, February 6th, 2025, 12:00 pm
Sunday, March 9th, 2025, Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, Chanhassen, MN
Performance Auditions and Design/Production Portfolio Reviews and B.A. Scholarship Only Interviews (B.A.s not wishing to compete for scholarships need not attend.)
Email Rebecca Katz Harwood ([email protected]) for more information.
Audition Sign-up Cutoff Date: Thursday, March 6th, 2025, 12:00 pm
Before the audition:
We ask that all students schedule their audition/interview times through Acceptd, which charges $15 for this service. For an additional fee, you may also upload your audition/portfolio materials there (e.g., headshot resume, audition videos, portfolio materials). Although doing so is not required, it’s an excellent way for UMD faculty to become familiar with your work before your actual on-site audition/interview.
Schedule your audition via Acceptd
B.F.A. Audition/Interview Requirements
Musical Theatre
- Perform one 60-second monologue from a published play. Something contemporary and realistic is strongly recommended.
- Sing two selections: Two contrasting vocal selections (no longer than one minute each)—one ballad, one uptempo. If you plan to use our accompanist, you must bring sheet music in the correct key. If you plan to sing with a track, you must bring the pre-recorded accompaniment on an MP3 player. We will provide speakers and an auxiliary plug for your device.
What to bring:
- A copy of your resume detailing your production and theatre experience
- A copy of your sheet music, clearly marked and in the correct key (preferably in a 3-ring binder)
- A headshot, if you have one
- Appropriate audition attire
- For the Movement portion, please bring jazz or character shoes if you have them. If not, bring sneakers.
- For the Dance Call, you will have time to change into dance attire
- Perform two contrasting monologues, the total of which should be no longer than 2 minutes. Something contemporary and realistic is strongly recommended. If preferred, the second monologue may come from classical literature.
What to bring:
- A copy of your resume detailing your production and theatre experience
- A headshot, if you have one
- Appropriate audition attire
- For the Movement portion, please bring jazz or character shoes if you have them. If not, bring sneakers.
Scene Design, Costume Design, Lighting Design, and Technical Theatre Interview Requirements
For the interview, interviewees must provide the following:
- A one-page resume with a photo listing previous theatrical experience
- Two letters of reference from teachers, employers, and/or theatre professionals
- Examples of work to be presented at the interview, including sketches, renderings, art projects, drafting, production photos, or anything that demonstrates design and/or technical abilities.
Interviewees may choose to assemble their work in a physical or digital portfolio format, but any organized collection of materials is acceptable. All materials will be returned at the end of the interview session.
Stage Management
Stage Management Interview Requirements
For the interview, interviewees must provide the following:
- A one-page resume with a photo listing previous theatrical experience
- Two letters of reference from teachers, employers, and/or theatre professionals
- At the interview, examples of their work will be presented, including sample production books, production photos, rehearsal scripts, performance scripts, or anything demonstrating organizational and/or management abilities.
Interviewees may choose to assemble their work in a physical or digital portfolio format, but any organized collection of materials is acceptable. All materials will be returned at the end of the interview session.