Curriculum Committee
This advisory committee to the Dean currently recommends and oversees policies on curricular matters, including course and program proposals for undergraduate and graduate programs. Faculty members are welcome to contact Maureen Tobin Stanley or Pam Spencer with any questions.
Item | Deadlines and Happenings |
Programs - New & Changes | Deadline: Last CAHSS Curriculum Committee meeting in the spring Includes: Cover Sheet with Rationale, Track Changes WORD document, Sample Plan (majors only), document confirming programs that are affected were notified |
Courses - New & Changes | Spring & Summer - October 1 Fall - November 1 |
Lib Ed Course | Deadline: February 1 (send all requests to Pam Spencer at least a week before this deadline) |
Course Scheduling | Fall & Spring - October & November (public view first Monday in February) Summer - October (public view first Monday in November) |
Catalog | March 1 - public view for Fall Catalog |
SPRING 2025 Deadlines & Meetings
Room: 302 Kirby Plaza (no virtual option)
Day/Time: Mondays at 3-4:30pm on the following meeting dates
Special Topics Titles | The topic course (xx95) can be scheduled during the Course Scheduling period. Departments must submit the TITLE of the TOPIC prior to registration for the term the topic is offered. |
Liberal Education course | LE course proposals do not go before the Curriculum Committee. Submit proposals directly to Pam Spencer. She will route them to the Dean for review. If approved, the form is routed from Pam to VCAA. DUE anytime before mid-January. (This date aligns with the VCAA deadline of February 1.) |
All approved COURSE proposals (new and changes) will be effective spring 2026.
Course changes, course proposals, special topic titles, and online addendums.
All approved PROGRAM proposals (new and changes) will be effective fall 2026.
CAHSS Deadline Dates (Wednesday by noon) | Meeting Dates (Monday) |
Jan 22 | Jan 27 |
Feb 19 | Feb 24 |
Mar 19 | Mar 24 |
Apr 23 | Apr 28 |
Please review the following points for the committee:
1. The committee will only be meeting on scheduled dates and will only be reviewing proposals which have been submitted by noon the Wednesday prior to a meeting; no last minute proposals will be reviewed.
2. Proposals must be signed by the Department Head. Once signed, either a paper or digital copy is delivered to Pam Spencer.
3. Faculty submitting a proposal are encouraged to come to the meeting when their proposal is being reviewed. If they do not attend, their department representative is responsible for presenting the proposal. Some changes to proposals may be done during the meeting, if the person who submitted the proposals is in attendance. If changes cannot be made at the meeting, the proposals are sent back to the department for clarification and resubmitted.
4. If a department representative is absent the day their department proposal(s) are on the agenda, the proposal(s) will not be considered until the next meeting (when a representative is present).
5. Proposals should be completed along with consulting other affected departments within CAHSS or across campus.
Committee Members (2024-25)
Chair - The chair of this committee is also a member of the UMD Curriculum Committee.
American Indian Studies â Carter Meland
Art & Design â Jim Klueg
Communication â Michael Pfau
English, Literature & Writing Studies â Hilary Kowino
Geography & Philosophy â Laure Charleux (fall); Tongxin Zhu (spring)
History, Political Science & International Studies â Joe Staats POL (fall), Qiang Fang HIST (spring)
Music â Lina Yoo Min Lee, Justin Rubin
Studies in Justice, Culture, and Social Change â Jeff Maahs
Theatre â Curtis Phillips
World Languages & Cultures â Maureen Tobin Stanley (CHAIR)
CAHSS Associate Dean â Mitra Emad (ex officio)
CAHSS Curriculum â Pam Spencer (ex officio)
Student[s]: two reps may be on the committee
Curriculum Committee Policies and Procedures
VCAA resources:
- Course Designator/Subject (VCAA office submits request)
- Course: Dual-listed or Cross-listed
- Course: Enrollment limitations (low-enrollment)
- Course Numbering
- Credit Standards for Instruction and Student Work (credit hours)
- Collaborative Course Scheduling (CCS) (when staff schedule courses)
- Instructional Modes (for UMD courses only); effective S18 any level of online instruction requires the online addendum
- Program proposal to meet Advanced Writing requirements
- Coursedog (program and course databases; effective fall 2023)
Guide to Coursedog AND/OR Access to Coursedog
PROGRAM proposal
Proposal must be presented at the CAHSS Assembly prior to submitting it to this committee.
Please click here to visit the VCAA Program Proposal site.
- Approved changes will go into effect for the next fall term.
- Departments are encouraged to have program proposals submitted to Pam Spencer at least four weeks before the SPRING deadline. (The deadline is the last committee meeting in the spring.)
- Complete all relevant items on the New Undergraduate Program Proposal Form.
- Circulate proposal for departmental approval. If other departments are involved, include their approval as well.
- If approved, the Department Head signs the New Undergraduate Program Proposal Form. (signature required)
- This paper form (original) is delivered to Pam Spencer by noon Wednesday before the last meeting in spring.
- Preliminary review of the form will be done by Pam Spencer. If no changes are needed, the form is routed through Google Docs/Drive to the committee members.
- At the committee meeting, the faculty member (or departmental representative) will present the proposed program and answer potential questions from the committee.
- If approved and no changes are needed, the Dean will review. If more information is needed they will reach out to the department. If approved, the Dean will sign the the proposal. A letter of support from the Dean is required.
- Pam Spencer forwards the approved form to the VCAA Office.
Changes to programs become effective the next fall semester.
(Example, approved changes submitted at the end of spring 2024 will be effective fall 2025.)
Undergraduate programs are sent directly to the VCAA Office. Graduate programs are sent directly to the Graduate Office.
Tips & Information
- Review current programs through Coursedog.
- BS and BA Requirements
PROGRAM changes
Adding courses to the curriculum can occur all year. Adding or removing courses to a program requires a program change with an effective term of next fall term.
Program Change Policy: It is CAHSS the policy that program changes may occur every two years. Adding courses can occur during the two year cycle, although program/major/minor changes may only occur during the change year. Departments are encouraged to consider the impact of changing a program (major or minor). When a program is changed, the new requirements are effective the next fall term. Students who elect to follow the new requirements make the formal request by submitting their request at:
Effect on Program Changes:
Departments are encouraged to consider the impact of changing a program (major, minor or certificate).
Changing current program
Changing title of current program
Discontinue current program
Program Proposal to meet Advanced Writing Requirement
Please click here to visit the VCAA Program Proposal site.
REQUIRED for program changes:
- Approved changes will go into effect for the next fall term. (Ideally changes should only be submitted every two years.)
- Departments are encouraged to have program proposals submitted to Pam Spencer at least four weeks before the SPRING deadline. (The deadline is the last committee meeting in spring.)
- The PROGRAM CHANGE form (VCAA) is required.
- Use this GUIDE on how to 'track changes' to give clarity to the proposed changes.
- Copy the program area(s) found in the CATALOG.
- Update the Sample Plan(s) (only for majors) and submit them along with the proposed program changes.
- Circulate proposal for departmental approval. If other departments are involved, include their approval as well.
- Dept reps are required to schedule time with Pam to discuss programming and formatting. Preliminary review of the changes must be done by Pam.
- At the committee meeting, the committee will review the proposed changes.
- Pam will submit the document to the Associate Dean or Dean. (If changes are needed, the department will be consulted and the proposal will be updated.)
- Once the proposal is approved by the Associate Dean or Dean, Pam will route the forms to the VCAA Office.
Changes to programs become effective the next fall semester.
(Example, approved changes submitted at the end of spring 2024 will be effective fall 2025.)
With Dean approval, the undergraduate programs are sent directly to the VCAA Office. Graduate programs are sent directly to the Graduate Office.
REQUIRED for program title changes:
To change the title of a program requires a New Program Proposal form. If approved a new program code will be created so students have a choice of the old title and the new title.
The department head completes the Discontinued Program Proposal process and form.
Submit the form to Pam Spencer and she will share the form with the committee. After the committee reviews the proposal, the form is submitted to the Dean for review. If approved, the Dean will write a letter of support to attach to the request. All documents will be forwarded to the VCAA Office for review.
NOTE: If courses will be inactivated due to the discontinuation of a program, the department head or coordinator must notify all affected UMD programs. The department head sends an email detailing what course(s) to inactivate to the Associate Dean. If approved, the Associate Dean, sends the request to the VCAA Office. If specific courses will be changed to a different designator (CST to ANTH), these changes follow the course change instructions found on this site.
Discontinued programs may be effective either fall or spring semester.
Undergraduate programs are sent directly to the VCAA Office. Graduate programs are sent directly to the Graduate Office.
COURSE proposal (includes Lib Ed)
Proposals for new courses will only be reviewed by the committee with the department headâs signature.
Liberal Education Program Course Proposal NOTE: LEP course proposals do not go before the Curriculum Committee. Submit proposals directly to Pam Spencer. She will route them to the Dean for review. If approved, the form is routed from Pam to VCAA.
Graduate Credit: If a department wants a 4xxx/5xxx/8xxx course to be listed as graduate credit, the request must be submitted to the Director of Graduate Studies in the home department. If the home department does not have a director to review the course it is sent to the UMD Graduate Council for review. Additionally, all courses requesting graduate credit are reviewed & approved by VCAA. Courses at the 4xxx/5xxx/8xxx that may not be taken for graduate credit have a notation of 'no grad credit' within the course.
- Download the current Course Proposal form found here: VCAA Course Proposal site.
- Circulate proposal for departmental approval.
- If approved, the Department Head signs the Course Proposal Form. (signature required)
- Send the proposal form to Pam Spencer by noon Wednesday before the next meeting.
- Preliminary review of the form will be done by Pam Spencer. If no changes are needed, the form is scanned and routed through Google Docs/Drive to the committee members.
- At the committee meeting, the faculty member (or departmental representative) will present the proposed course and answer potential questions from the committee.
- If approved and no changes are needed, the Dean will review. If more information is needed they will reach out to the department. If approved, the Dean will sign the the proposal.
- Pam Spencer forwards the approved form to VCAA.
New courses are typically available in the system within two weeks of receipt in VCAA. Once changes are processed, the change is immediate in PeopleSoft and the current on-line course description page.
COURSE changes (CAHSS only)
Review the current course outline within Course Descriptions. (Everyone with an x.500 username has access to this site.)
- Course changes are discussed with the department and reviewed by the department head. Once approved, the CAHSS dept rep on this committee submits the proposed changes through this form: CAHSS course change form.
- NOTE: If there are significant changes proposed for a current course, it may require a NEW COURSE PROPOSAL. Please consult with the committee chairperson or Pam Spencer.
Changes that CAN be submitted on the CAHSS course change form and reviewed by the committee:
* course titles (short title: 30 characters (for transcript); long title: 100 characters (class schedule, APAS; will cut off at 30 characters)
* course description
* course typically offered
* grading option
* inactivate course (effective ONLY fall term)
* prerequisites (removal of a prereq, require a certain course(s), require a minimum amount of credits, require a certain major/minor/certificate)
* repetition of course
* course credits (i.e. 3cr to 4cr) - Include reasoning behind the credit change and what will be removed or added to the course. This does not require a new course proposal. If the course had LEP, this will remain.
Changes that CANNOT be submitted on the CAHSS course change form but reviewed by the committee in a different format:
* Course number (not level) - Changing a course number is NOT recommended. It is advised to deactivate a course and submit a new course proposal. Course equivalents may be an option but not a guarantee depending on the situation.
* Course level requires a NEW course proposal form. (Proposals to change a course from a lower division (1xxx/2xxx) to an upper level course (3xxx/4xxx) or the other way around.) Form found here: VCAA Course Proposal site.
> If changing the course level, explain rationale. This will affect all current transfer course evaluations. If the course currently applies to LEP, it does not need re-approval for LEP.
> Courses that change level are NOT listed as equivalent. Students who take both courses will receive credit for both courses. Submit the rationale via email to Pam Spencer.
* Course level from 2xxx to 1xxx OR 4xxx to 3xxx. (Requests need to include the pedagogical reasoning for the change. This type of request has many layers.)
* Reactivate courses (requires a new Course Proposal and all elements of a course should be reviewed)
* Instructional mode (VCAA online addendum required for all courses)
* Liberal Education (VCAA Lib Ed forms required)
- The form will identify all proposed course changes and will be presented to the committee. Upon committee approval, the document is reviewed by the Dean.
- Upon Dean approval, changes will be submitted by Pam Spencer and sent to VCAA for final approval and processing.
To change other fields of a course, contact Pam Spencer.
If changes will be made, departments are responsible for notifying other affected departments or programs.
How do instructors change the instructional mode for a course?
The instructional mode for a course is selected during the scheduled CCS Period 1. At this time, staff select which mode will be used for an upcoming term. Each section of a course may have different instructional modes. If the mode needs to be changed after CSS Period 1 closes, the department submits the request to the Office of the Registrar - Course Schedule Change.
REACTIVATING A COURSE: To request reactivation of a course, all elements of the course must be reviewed (rationale, description, etc.). Review all elements of the inactive course within Coursedog. The department rep submits the request through the CAHSS course change form (Google form accessed by CAHSS dept reps on this committee.).
INACTIVATING A COURSE: For individual or multiple courses, the department head or coordinator must notify all affected UMD programs. The department rep submits the request through the CAHSS course change form. (Google form accessed by CAHSS dept reps on this committee.).
These processes may change to accommodate needs. Normal processing time on a course change is 4-5 work days and will be effective the first day of the next term.
TOPIC course
Please click here to visit the VCAA Course Proposal site.
Special Topic Google Spreadsheet all proposed topic courses (xx95).
How to submit a topic course (xx95):
Download and complete the TOPIC proposal form on the VCAA site.
Topic proposals follow VCAA deadlines. Topics proposals are submitted to Pam Spencer. Faculty are reminded to only complete the fields on the proposal form relevant to a topic (see area titled Requesting - Special topics course). The form must have the department head signature. A digital copy of the form (WORD format to accommodate potential changes) is submitted to Pam. She will review the proposal form and contact the faculty member proposing the topic if changes are necessary.
The short title for topics courses is limited to 30 characters (includes spaces).
The long title is limited to 50 characters (includes spaces).
The Dean will review proposals. If approved, Pam will forward it to VCAA. Topics do not need to be presented at the committee meeting, but will be shared. Established pre-reqs will be utilized. No different pre-reqs may be proposed.
How to submit a topic for a second time:
Following VCAA deadlines, send an email request including the following to Pam Spencer (four business days before the deadline).
- Course subject and number
- Term the topic was last offered
- Term requesting to offer the topic a second time
- Instructor
- Short and long title (must match first offering)
Pam will assign a CAHSS tracking number to the request and forward the email to the Associate Dean. If approved, the Associate Dean will forward and copy Pam an email to VCAA.
NOTE: A department wishing to offer a TOPIC for a third time must submit a course proposal through the regular approval process to convert this topic to a regular course.
SHORT TERM study aboard programs
Faculty members may propose a short-term study abroad experience in consultation with the UMD International Programs and Services (IPS) office. Each short-term program MUST have a UMD department course equivalent. This requires a UMD course proposal.
What is required to propose a short term study abroad program?
The âShort-Term Program Proposalâ and the âUMD Course Proposalâ forms are submitted at the same time to this committee. Submitting a short-term program proposal follows the same process
For this committee:
- Review the deadlines for this committee.
- DEADLINE to submit for any term follows this committee's schedule (not the IPS schedule). This schedule aligns with the VCAA Course Proposal schedule.
- Complete the course proposal form on the VCAA site.
- Contact Pam Spencer for the following: Subject & Catalog Number
- Submit the Course Proposal form and the Short-Term Program Proposal form (approved by IPS) together to this committee.
For IPS:
- Review the IPS website for guides, deadlines, and forms.
- Complete the âShort-Term Program Proposal â form provided by the IPS office.
- Regarding the form, contact Pam Spencer for the following: Dept. & Course #. This assignment is crucial for programming (Program changes, APAS and Grad Planner).
- Submit the âShort-Term Program Proposalâ form to IPS for approval. (REQUIRED signatures for approval: Instructor, Department Head and Dean).
Course designator/subject
Changing a Current Designator: It is advised not to change a current designator.
>>> Issues with changing a current designator (VCAA/Registrar).
How to request a new designator/subject for your department?
Proposals (memo format) are submitted to this committee for review. The Provost office makes the final decision on new designators. This link is from their office and notes guidelines for their approval: Request for Course Designator. Please note, the form is filled out by the UMD VCAA office and sent to the Provost office after EVCAA approval. As with other system changes, these things take time. Proposed courses with the new designator/subject cannot be processed until the new designator is requested (and assumed approved). The proposed courses can be approved, along with a new program, but the courses cannot be entered into the system or scheduled without final approval from the Provost office. Since the Board of Regents reviews program proposals, their schedule determines when items will be reviewed.