Imagine Fund Annual Faculty Research Grants

Now is the time to start working on your Imagine Fund Annual Faculty Research Grants application! We have $66,000 to award to innovative projects in the arts, humanities, and design–and the funding decisions will be made right here by a CAHSS committee rather than going to the Twin Cities for review. (The Special Events Grants and the Arts, Humanities, and Design Chair Award are still reviewed centrally by the Provost’s Office in the Twin Cities.)

The biggest change to the process from last year is that we successfully negotiated with Provost Croson to allow term faculty to be eligible for these grants. This is incredibly good news, and we thank the Provost’s Office for their willingness to allow for this eligibility expansion.

Here’s the important information that you need to know about eligibility:

  • Grants must support projects in the arts, design, and/or humanities.
  • Tenured, tenure-track, and term faculty are all eligible to apply for Imagine Fund Annual Faculty Research Grants. Tenure-track faculty and Associate Professors planning to stand for promotion to Full will have first priority for the awards.
  • You are eligible to apply for an Imagine Grant if you have received one previously, but you can only apply for one Imagine Grant in any given year.

Here’s what you need to know about the application process:

  • Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Friday, February 16th. 
  • Award decisions will be made by April 1st.
  • If you win an Imagine Grant, you will receive the funds on July 1st, and you must spend the funds within three years.
  • All applications must be submitted via this Google form. You will need to describe your proposed project, its relevance/significance, your proposed timeline, a budget, and your recent professional publications or accomplishments.
  • You can apply for up to $5000.
  • Each application will be scored by three different committee members (all of whom have previously received Imagine Grants and conduct their own research and creative activity within the arts, design, and humanities) independently. 

Start thinking about those potential projects now! If you have any questions about the application process, please reach out to Jeremy Youde.