A Selection of Former SFA and CLA Collaborations

CLArion 2020–2021

A Selection of Former SFA and CLA Collaborations

Justin Rubin (SFA, Music) played organ in an improvised score to a film presentation of Nosferatu by CLA in the Masonic Temple Theater

Burke Scarbrough (CLA, English) & Jenna Soleo-Shanks (SFA, Theatre) collaborated to incorporate the Theatre Department’s production of Sam Shepard’s Buried Child into the English Department’s Literature Appreciation Course.

CLA faculty joined SFA, LSBE, CEHSP and SCSE faculty in VizLab speed research presentations

SFA coordinated with CLA to produce the initial Sieur du Luth Creativity Conference. SFA and CLA hosted the conference again in 2016 before it was later taken over by the Chancellor's office.
In March 2018, the name changed to Sieur du Lhut for all future usages.

Tom Isbell (SFA, Theatre) worked with John Hatcher and Jennifer Moore (CLA, Journalism), building off their “One River, Many Stories” initiative to produce “One River”

English faculty Krista Sue-Lo Twu (CLA) and Kathryn A. Martin Library Director Matthew Rosendahl led the effort to bring Shakespeare’s First Folio to Duluth, with museum director Ken Bloom agreeing to host the exhibit in the Tweed Museum of Art

CLA faculty joined SFA and SCSE faculty in VizLab/MMADLab Interdisciplinary Residency summer programs

The Writing Studies program (CLA) cosponsored a reading from a collection of poems inspired by Kathy McTavish’s “chance” exhibit in the Tweed Museum of Art.

Asami Hagiwara (SFA Music), Cindy Christian (Alworth Institute), and Jennifer Gómez Menjívar (CLA, World Languages and Cultures) organized a lunch hour lecture, "Brazil and its Piano Repertoire: Friction and Confluence of National Identity and Individual Freedom," with Brazilian pianist and Professor of Piano, Germano Mayer.

Many thanks to the faculty and staff who helped compile collaborations for this timeline.

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