M.A. – Foreign Languages and Literature: Spanish – The University of Montana
B.A. - Secondary Education in Spanish – The University of Montana
Two of Professor Snustad's main interests are contemporary Hispanic American film and study abroad. He is currently very interested in collaborating internationally to develop modules of courses where his students at UMD interact with an international professor and his or her students. He recently traveled to Cuernavaca, Mexico to participate in a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) workshop where he worked with a colleague, from la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas in Tuxtla-Gutiérrez, Mexico to develop a course where UMD students will interact and collaborate virtually. He is also pairing his students with students from la Universidad Tecnológica El Retoño near Aguascalientes, Mexico.
Courses taught:
SPAN 1101 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1102 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 1201 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 1202 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2301 Advanced Spanish
SPAN 3042 Hispanic American Culture and Civilization
SPAN 4017 Hispanic American Cinema and Culture
SPAN 3040 Spanish Language and Culture in Salamanca, Spain
Awards & Honors
- CLA Outstanding Teaching Award (2015)
- Nominated for Outstanding Faculty in the Kirby Student Center Student Award (2015)