I am a political geographer and political ecologist interested in the management of water resources and climate change. My research has been situated in both the rural United States, and in Western China where I serve as a Visiting Associate Professor at the Scientific Information Center for Resources and the Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I have written about rural water supply projects, and the political and biophysical implications of water saving agricultural policies. My current research examines the environmental geopolitics of the Anthropocene.
Research Keywords: Water Resource, Political Geography, Environmental Policy, Political Ecology, China
Courses Taught
WRS 5101: Water Policy
ES 4005: Environmental Policy
GEOG 3461: Global Resources
GEOG 1205: Our Globalizing World
GEOG 4446: Water Processes and Management
Recent Publications
Clarke-Sather, A. 2020. Governmentality and the global geopolitics of consumption-based environmental accounting. In Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State. Ed. S. Moisi, N. Koch, A.E.G. Jonas, C. Lizotte and J. Luukkonen. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Clarke-Sather, A. (2020). ‘But we are the most backward’: Hierarchical categorization of modernity in contemporary Chinese national identity. Political Geography, 83, 102260
Bergstrom, R.D. and Clarke-Sather, A. 2020. Balancing Socio-Ecological Risks, Politics, and Identity: Sustainability in Minnesota’s Copper-Nickel-Precious Metal Mining Debate. Sustainability, 12(24), 10286.
Clarke-Sather, A. 2019 “From the Heavens to the Markets: Governing Agricultural Drought Under Chinese Fragmented Authoritarianism” Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 109 (2) 456-464
Wang, Jinping, J.Z. Ma, A. Clarke-Sather, and J.S. Qu. 2018 "Estimating Changes in the Green Water Productivity of Cropping Systems in Northern Shaanxi Province in China’s Loess Plateau." Water 10, (9): 1198.
Clarke-Sather, A. X. Tang, X.L. Xiong and J.S. Qu. 2018 “The Impact of Green Water Policies on Household Agricultural Water Productivity in a Semi-Arid Region: A Survey based Assessment” Water 10 (1), 11
Liu, L., J.S. Qu, A. Clarke-Sather, T. Maraseni, J.X. Pang 2017 “Spatial Variations and Determinants of Per Capital Household Emissions (PHCEs) in China.” Sustainability 9 (7) 1277
Leiper, C. and A. Clarke-Sather 2017 “Co-Creating and Alternative: The Moral Economy of Consumer and Producer Motivations for Participating in Farmers Markets” Local Environment 22 (7) 840-858
Clarke-Sather, A. 2017 “State Power and Domestic Water Provision in Semi-arid Northwest China: Towards an Aleatory Political Ecology” Political Geography 58, 93-103
Clarke-Sather, A., B. Crow-Miller, J. Banister, K. Thomas, E. Norman, and S. Stephenson. 2017 "The Shifting Geopolitics of Water in the Anthropocene." Geopolitics 22 (2), 332-359.