Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble is a select unit of approximately 50 music and non-music majors and is one of the premier ensembles in the UMD Department of Music. The ensemble regularly performs new compositions for the wind medium and programs the most outstanding literature currently available. The group tours frequently, and has appeared at the Minnesota Music Educators Association Conference and the College Band Directors National Association.
If you are interested in continuing your participation in band you should consider becoming a part of the University of Minnesota Duluth Bands. If you are interested please read the information below. If you have further questions you may contact Dr. Mark Whitlock, Director of Bands at [email protected]
Register for MU 1502 or MU 4502
Concert Band
The Concert Band is open to all UMD students wishing to continue in music-making throughout their collegiate years. The band is open to all students regardless of major. Without demanding a significant obligation on a student’s schedule.
Concert Band members meet three times a week and perform two formal concerts each semester. No audition is required to join the Concert Band, although a hearing for chair placement is offered at the beginning of each semester.
The Concert Band performs traditional works from the band repertoire as well as recent compositions by leading composers. For further information, you may contact Dr. Mark Whitlock at 218-726-6124 or email at [email protected].
Register for MU 1501 or MU 4501
Instruments and Lockers
Those of you who need to use a UMD instrument may check out an instrument and/or personal locker for your instrument according to the following schedule: Monday, August 26 through Friday, August 30 by appointment in room 212 Humanities - Begining Tuesday, August 27.
Please make sure to fill out the forms for Music Locker Rental or Music Instrument Rental by going to the Music Office and scanning a QR Code. You will need to purchase the said instrument and/or locker on the Music Store webpage as well.
You will find out more details at the first rehearsals. Please contact [email protected] Check out the UMD Band bulletin board for additional times. (Located outside Humanities 226)
Auditions for UMD Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Concert Band
Auditions for the Symphonic Wind Ensemble will begin Monday, August 29th and will be held in Humanities 226. If you wish to play in the Symphonic Wind Ensemble we would like to hear your audition that week. There will be a sign-up sheet outside the office. (Humanities 226) Please make every effort to sign-up early for your audition. Do not wait for the last available time if possible.
Audition Materials
IN PLACE OF PLAYING THE PREPARED MUSIC, You may also prepare a portion(s) of a solo and/or etude representing your best playing. A selection of contrasting styles would be preferred. This is not required!
- Several scales and/or arpeggios.
- Some basic sight-reading.

- Don’t worry!!!!
For further information, please contact;
Dr. Mark Whitlock
226 Humanities