Ryuta Nakajima

Ryuta Nakajima, associate professor, art and design, has participated and will participate in the following activities:

1. International Society for Compuational Biology, 23rd annual international conference on Intelligent System for Molecular Biology and the 14th European Conference on Computational Biology in Dublin Ireland. Nakajima's Amburghese di cuore (no. 6) was selected for the conference art exhibition "Art and Science." July 2015
2. Oral presentation "Cephalopod and Art" at annual conference on cephalopodology at University of the Ryukyus, Japan. July 2015
3. Publication: "Future Mirrors" MODELLAB curated by Rodrigo Azaola and Claudia Arozqueta. July 2015 Online publication is available at MODELAB.com
4. A drawing submitted for "CHOPSHOP #4: Rabbits" curated by Derrick Buisch, U of Wisconsin Madison, at Pier 12-18, Madison WI. Aug 2015
5. "Cephalopod Interface" curated by Gaye Chan, University of Hawaii Manoa. Nakajima will also be conducting talk with Dr. Margaret McFall-Ngai, Director, Pacific Biosciences Research Center. Oct 2015
6. Cephalopod International Advisory Council, "CIAC 2015 Hakodate."  Nakajima's research "Cephalopod intelligence, sociality and communication VIII) epilogue: How close can I get? Observations of predatory strategies of the pharaoh cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis in captivity" was selected as an oral presentation at the main conference and "An Ethogram of Chromatic, Postural and locomotor behaviors of the pharaoh cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis from Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan" was selected for the poster session. Nakajima will also be organizing an art exhibition during the conference "Treasure Box", presenting at Novel biomimetic models: materials, soft robots and artificial intelligence workshop" organized by Dr. Letizia Zullo, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. 

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