A&D faculty and alum in "Shady Rest"

A&D Professor, Betsy Hunt, as guest curator at Prøve Gallery

Prøve Gallery hosts guest curators, Betsy Hunt and Zach Moser, who have installed an exhibition that focuses on works created by women artists. Hunt and Moser have transformed the gallery into a fictitious meeting hall in which the artworks are displayed, creating an immersive narrative space that not only serves as exhibition venue, but that also acts as a space in which to exchange ideas, create community, and foster support for women negotiating art, work, and practice.
Artists include: Angela Waseskuk (Cedar Falls, IA), Astri Swendsrud (Los Angeles, CA), Deanna Steege (Washington, D.C), Kristen Pless (Duluth, MN), Lindsey Schmitt (Minneapolis, MN), Lori Damiano (Portland, OR), Lydia Diemer (Iowa City, IA), and Guan Rong (Los Angeles, CA).
Opening Reception - Oct. 13, 7-10pm
Exhibition Dates - Oct. 13 - Nov. 10
Artist/Curator Panel Discussion - Nov. 10, Time - TBD
Publication Date