ELWS Faculty (Tries to) Explain the Rhetorical Power of Donald Trump

ELWS faculty member publishes chapter in book on political rhetoric.

In Political Landscapes of Donald Trump (edited By Barney Warf), David Beard (Professor of Rhetoric, UMD) and John Heppen (Professor of Geography, UW-River Falls) attempt to explain the rhetorical power, the popularity, of Donald Trump by reference to his “wrestling rhetoric.”  Trump talks like a wrestler, argues like a wrestler, uses the media like a wrestler, and (potentially) this rhetorical style explains his popularity.  Then, Heppen and Beard use mapping technologies to compare Trump’s 2016 electoral success against attendance figures at WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) matches.  Where wrestling is popular, so, too, is Trump popular.

For more information about the book, visit the listing on Routledge.


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