Lake Superior Summit on the Teaching of Writing and English as a Second Language 2018

Members of the ELWS Department will present at the Lake Superior Summit on the Teaching of Writing and English as a Second Language 2018.

Blair Powless and Dr. Chris Godsey will present at the Lake Superior Summit on the Teaching of Writing and English as a Second Language 2018

at the Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College. 

Blair Powless, a graduate student in the Master of Liberal Studies program, will be presenting "Teaching Ethical Persuasion/Identification," which seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What does the conventional 'persuasion' essay model about morality and how does that impact civic life?
  • Is the conventional persuasive essay a recipe for failure and conflict?
  • What are the ethical aspects of constituting an audience and how can so-called persuasive essays be revamped to promote healthy civil discourse?

Powless will also be leading a round table discussion called "Huckleberry Finn and To Kill A Mockingbird: Perspectives and Choices," which examines how the Duluth Public School District made the decision to remove the texts from their curriculum, and the merit of the decision to do so. He will present on the topic before opening the discussion.

Dr. Chris Godsey, an Assistant Professor in the English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies Department, will be conducting an interactive presentation titled "I gave them so many opportunities" - Learning to Love Students who Hate Writing.

Publication Date