Professional Title
Associate Professor, Cognitive Science Chair
Dr. Schroer specializes in the Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Perception as well as Metaphysics, Epistemology more broadly. He is an associate professor of philosophy at UMD. His teaching and research concern representationalism, consciousness, perception, personal identity as well as the metaphysics of time and the philosophy of science.
In his spare time he enjoys just about anything having to do with the outdoors including ice fishing, cross country skiing in the winter and fishing and especially sailing when it's warm enough. He also enjoys hanging out with (at last count) two cats, two dogs, eighteen chickens and a host of uncounted other creatures including song birds, rabbits, foxes and the occasional bear.
Currently Teaching
- PHIL 1001-001 Introduction to Philosophy MWF @ 10am - 10:50am in MONT 70
- PHIL 1001-002 Introduction to Philosophy MWF @ 2pm - 2:50pm in HUM 314
- PHIL 1018 Symbolic Logic MTWF @ 3pm - 3:50pm in MONT 203