Hub for Integrated Learning & Leadership


The Hub for Integrated Learning & Leadership (HILL), located in the CAHSS Dean’s Office, is the epicenter of teaching, learning, and collaborative research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.


At the intersection of student, faculty, and staff success, our mission supports, promotes, and enhances collaborative and multi-disciplinary engagements within our UMD and Twin Ports communities.


  • Student Success - Elevate student success through collaborative, interdisciplinary research opportunities and community-engaged project-based learning with CAHSS and campus faculty and staff members.
  • Creative Integrations - Offer space and support for integrated activities and events that share, elevate, and celebrate interdisciplinary learning and creative activities in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
  • Solving Wicked Problems - Incorporate local and global frameworks of knowledge in the development of creative solutions to complex issues.

Shared Values

  • Interdisciplinary collaboration. Multiple approaches and methods allow for a more impactful solution to be designed all while team members develop skills in leadership, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.
  • Responsiveness to the needs of our communities: UMD, Duluth, our region, our state, our world.

Current Programs and Opportunities

Faculty Fellowships

Applications are currently being considered for three separate fellowship opportunities from February 3, 2025 - May 26, 2025. The application process closed on January 21st, 2025.

Affinity Groups

During the Spring 2025 semester, we will begin organizing Affinity Groups around several potential topics. Affinity Groups might function as book groups, discussion groups, planning and innovation or implementation groups, guest speaker/event planning groups, or some combination(s) of these. At this time, HILL-selected readings form the basis for selected topics.

The HILL will provide a space as well as some refreshments for Affinity Group meetings. Staff and faculty participants will also receive a small professional development stipend, as well as other funding options to apply for in support of materials and resources, as needed.