Christopher Wagner: UROP

Christopher Wagner: UROP Photo
Christopher Wagner: UROP Photo

Christopher Wagner

Majors: Political Science and Biology
UROP: Correcting Vaccine Misinformation: Overcoming Ego Defense in Vaccine Messaging
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Geoff Sheagley, Department of Political Science 

What do you think is unique about your major?

The amount of freedom it offers students in regards to their own education. Besides a small amount of pre requisites the political science department offers a wide range of classes in a variety of topics that let you specialize in whatever field of political science you find a passion for.

How does your major fit into your life goals?

It gave me the knowledge of the American political system needed to pursue a career of public service later in my life.

What piece of advice would you give to a student considering your major?

Do it. I guarantee you will not regret it. Political science is something that will help you in whatever field of work you find yourself in. When I began my political science degree I was still on my path to medical school. A major in political science will help make you a more informed citizen and will prove to be invaluable in any field of work. As politics is not merely involved in government work, it is a part of human nature and used daily in our lives.

How has the Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP) that you participated in enhanced or complemented the education you received in your major at UMD?

It gave me a more practical aspect to my education and proved how useful my education was in the real world. Making my own survey and analyzing my results made me feel as if I had the tools to start my career as soon as I take my next step after UMD.

What were the most valuable aspects of your UROP experience?

Being able to work 1 on 1 with my faculty advisor was very valuable to me. You get hands on practical education that translates into real world skills that companies and graduate schools look for. It also gave me a chance to pursue research in an area that I am passionate about. Having the university fund the ideas and passions of its students is great as it allows new ideas to grow and for progress to be made by a new generation of scholars.