Carol Wallace

Carol Wallace
Professional Title
Assistant Professor of Spanish Studies

Ph. D. The University of Iowa
M.A. The University of Iowa
B.A. Morningside College


Professor Wallace came to UMD in the fall of 2014 to teach Spanish Studies. Carol enjoys teaching all levels of Spanish language as well as Latin American literature and culture. Her doctoral dissertation was on the politics of humor in the stories of Puerto Rican writer Ana Lydia Vega. She has traveled in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. She has been active in the Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective ever since her first delegation to Honduras in 2017. Since then she has coordinated two delegations through the group, Oaxaca, Mexico in 2019 and Cuba in 2023. She also serves on the Midwest Region Advisory Board for WFPSC.

Courses Taught

SPAN 1101 and 1102: Beginning Spanish
SPAN 1201 and 1202: Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 2301: Advanced Spanish
SPAN 2550: Globalization and Sustainability in Latin America
SPAN 3042: Civilizations, Cultures and Communities in Latin America
SPAN 4011: Latin American Prose
SPAN 4013: Latin American Poetry and Drama
SPAN 4018: Latin America From Within

Awards & Honors

  • Chancellor's Small Grant (2023)
  • Chancellor's Small Grant (2019)
  • Nominated for Outstanding Faculty Award (2017)
  • Chancellor's Small Grant (2017)
  • CLA Travel Grant (2017)
  • Chancellor’s Small Grant (2016)
  • CLA Travel Grant (2016)
  • Chancellor's Small Grant (2015)
  • CLA Travel Grant (2015)

Carol Wallace in Puerto Rico