ELWS Alum Headlines Twin Ports Festival of History

The Minneapolis Star Tribune celebrates ELWS alumnus Tony Dierckins, who will open the Twin Ports Festival of History.

According to Christa Lawler of the Star Tribune

Tony Dierckins' presentation "1856-1950: From a 'Pile of Rocks' to a 'Dachshund of a City'" covers the booms, busts and annexations that turned this place into a 28-mile-long stretch of city... "You've got to make history fun. I love finding the quirky along with the stories," said Dierckins, who plans to pull content from his unrealized book tour for "Duluth: An Urban Biography" published by Minnesota Historical Society Press in 2020. His in-person events were canceled by COVID-19.

For more information about the event, visit: https://www.startribune.com/how-duluth-got-that-dachshund-shape-and-other-mysteries-part-of-new-history-festival/600162420/

For more information about the ELWS programs, visit https://cahss.d.umn.edu/elws

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